Jesús Parra Torres nacido en La Bufa Bato Pilas, Chihuahua, México el 20 de Enero del 1945 junto a su cuata Socorro Parra Torres.
Jesús, mejor conocido por sus seres queridos como Chuy, Chu, o Parrita. Eran apodos de cariño.
Chuy a los 13 años de edad les dijo a sus padres que se iba de la casa y no deseaba estudiar. Su papá le respondió “que si se sentía hombre que se fuera”. Su mamá le rogo que se quedara. Pero, a él no le importo y se fue a Creel, Chihuahua. Navego a muchos lugares durante su adolescencia. Sus compañeros de trabajo le daban papel y lápiz y le aconsejaban que siguiera sus estudios. Aun así, Chuy prefirió trabajar. A los 19 años de edad, Chuy tomo la decisión de regresar a visitar a sus padres. Cuando regreso a casa, llego con sus manos llenas de obsequios.
Al trascurrir del tiempo, Chuy se fue a vivir con su media hermana, Celestina, a San Rafael, Chihuahua. Celestina que era creyente del evangelio llevaba a Chuy a la iglesia cristiana, para evangelizarle. Pero, Chuy no quería aceptar y se burlaba de los cristianos. Chuy conoció a Tita en el año 1979 en casa de una amiga conocida. En ese momento Chuy tenía una novia. A Chuy no le importo la relación y termino con ese noviazgo para conquistar a Tita.
Tita de inmediato le informó a Chuy que no deseaba un noviazgo con una persona que aún no había entregado su vida a Cristo. Chuy tomo su tarea con toda seriedad, conoció a Cristo y se convirtió en 1980.
Después que se convirtió al evangelio, volvió a buscar a Tita e inicio su noviazgo. Duraron un año de novios antes de unir sus vidas en Sagrado matrimonio en diciembre de 1981. Luego se fueron a vivir a La Perla, Chihuahua a empezar sus vidas juntos. En 1984 se trasladaron a la ciudad de Chihuahua donde nació su hija Anabel Parra. Después de dos años y al ver que su familia había crecido, Chuy construyo con sus propias manos y con mucho amor un hogar para su linda familia. Disfrutaron su hogar junto a su hija hasta el año 1992 en Chihuahua. En este momento tomaron la decisión de mudarse a los Estados Unidos para estar junto a su familia Portillo en Denver, CO.
En los estados Unidos Chuy tuvo trabajos laborales y nunca le dijo no al trabajo. En el año 1995, Tita se puso grabe. Su enfermedad resulto en una cirugía cerebral. Chuy tomo la decisión de cuidar primordialmente de su esposa e hija quienes fueron siempre la luz de sus ojos, alegría y razón de ser.
Chuy fue un hombre entregado a Dios. Leyendo su biblia diariamente y en oración a lado de su esposa instruyeron a su hija en el camino de Dios. Su hija Anabel creció amando la música y el deporte. Chuy apoyo a Anabel con todo su corazón en sus ambiciones. Chuy le complacía todos sus caprichos y la consintió lo más que pudo en todo.
Un ser muy querido por su familia, y todos aquellos que llegaron a conocerle. Siempre extendiendo la mano a su prójimo. Un ser muy amigable, considerado, entregado, respetuoso, desinteresado y humilde. Sobre todo, amaba a Dios con todo su corazón y todo su ser. Ese amor a Dios se veía en la manera en que el trataba y cuidaba a su esposa y su hija. Siempre con palabras de afecto, cariño, y ternura. Para el, su esposa y su hija fueron su amor eterno. Cuido de ellas hasta ya no poder.
En el 2022 desafortunadamente fue diagnosticado con cáncer y su salud fue deteriorando poco a poco. Y aun en su enfermedad nunca perdió la fe, nunca desmayo. Su amor y preocupación por el prójimo traslucía. Sus oraciones por cada uno no cesaban. Un hombre muy valiente quien a pesar de su enfermedad no renegó ni se quejó. Siempre acudía a Dios en oración.
Jesús, un siervo fiel hasta que Dios lo llamo al paraíso.
No es un hasta nunca, si no un hasta luego. Te amamos tu esposa e hija. Los recuerdos que nos dejaste los llevaremos presentes. Cada consejo, cada refrán, cada chiste, cada sonrisa que nos brindaste.
Un refrán para recordarlo. “por un arroyo arriba hay un plato de alfileres. Vengo a decirle a los hombres como se tratan las mujeres.”
Gracias por el ejemplo que dejaste de lo que es un verdadero hombre.
(nos vemos después) Tarahumara
Jesús Parra Torres was born in La Bufa Bato Pilas, Chihuahua, Mexico on January 20, 1945
with his twin sister Socorro Parra Torres.
Jesús, better known to his loved ones as Chuy, Chu, or Parrita. They were aGectionate
Chuy at the age of 13 told his parents that he was leaving home and did not want to study.
His father replied, "if he felt man enough, he should go ahead and leave." His mother
begged him to stay. But he didn't care and went to Creel, Chihuahua. He traveled to many
places during his teenage years. His co-workers gave him paper and pencil and advised
him to continue his studies. Even so, Chuy preferred to work. At 19 years of age, Chuy made
the decision to return to visit his parents. When he returned home, he arrived with his
hands full of gifts.
As time went by, Chuy went to live with his half-sister, Celestina, in San Rafael, Chihuahua.
Celestina, who was a believer in the gospel, took Chuy to the Christian church, to
evangelize him. But, Chuy did not want to accept and mocked the Christians. Chuy met
Tita in 1979 at the house of a well-known friend. At that time, Chuy had a girlfriend. Chuy
didn't care about the relationship and ended that courtship to court Tita.
Tita immediately informed Chuy that she did not want a courtship with a person who had
not yet given his life to Christ. Chuy took his task seriously, met Christ, and accepted Jesus
as his Lord and savior in 1980.
After he converted to the gospel, he returned to Tita and began their courtship. They dated
for a year before joining their lives in Holy Matrimony in December 1981. Then, they went to
live in La Perla, Chihuahua to start their lives together. In 1984 they moved to the city of
Chihuahua where their daughter Anabel Parra was born. After two years and seeing that his
family had grown, Chuy built with his own hands and with a lot of love a home for his
beautiful family. They enjoyed their home with their daughter until 1992 in Chihuahua. At
this time, they made the decision to move to the United States to be with their Portillo
family in Denver, CO.
In the United States, Chuy continued working and never shied away from labor. In 1995,
Tita became ill. Tita’s illness resulted in brain surgery. Chuy made the decision to primarily
care for his wife and daughter who were always the light of his eyes, joy and reason for
Chuy was a dedicated man of God. He read his Bible daily, prayed alongside his wife, and
instructed their daughter in God's word. His daughter Anabel grew up loving music and
sports. Chuy supported Anabel with all his heart in her ambitions. Chuy indulged her every
whim and spoiled her as much as he could in everything.
A person loved dearly by his family, and all those who came to know him. Always extending
his hand to his neighbor. A very friendly, considerate, dedicated, respectful, selfless and
humble being. Above all, he loved God with all his heart and all his soul. That love for God
was seen in the way he treated and cared for his wife and daughter. Always with words of
aGection, endearment, and tenderness. For him, his wife and daughter were his eternal
love. He cared for them until he was unable to.
Chuy was diagnosed with cancer in 2022, and his health deteriorated little by little. Even in
his illness, he never fainted nor lost faith. His love and concern for his neighbor was
evident. His prayers for each one did not cease. A very brave man who despite his illness
did not nag or complain. Instead, sought the Lord in prayer.
Jesus, a faithful servant until God called him to paradise.
This is not a “goodbye”, but a “see you later”. We love and miss you - your wife and
daughter. The memories you left us will carry on forever. Every piece of advice, every saying,
every joke, every smile you gave us.
A saying to remember him by. "Up a stream there is a plate of pins. I come to tell men how
women should be treated."
Thank you for the example you left of what a real man is.
(see you later) Tarahumara
Friday, September 6, 2024
4:00 - 6:00 pm (Mountain time)
Latina Funerals & Cremations | Funeraria Latina
Friday, September 6, 2024
6:00 - 8:00 pm (Mountain time)
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